
Last updated on 15 Sep 2023

A wide range of bodies fund health and social care research. It is vital to the success of your project that it is costed accurately. Your local research and development office can suggest suitable sources of funding, and advise you on costing your project. It is important to understand the distinctions between research costs, support costs and treatment costs and how they are provided. 

Applicants must secure any project funding required from bodies outside the NHS before submitting the applications to review bodies for approvals. Otherwise, if funding has not been secured, and the funding body later requires changes to be made to the proposal, these would require further review by the review bodies.

As outlined above, funding for research can come a variety of sources, including:

  • commercial funders, including industry and private companies
  • non-commercial funders such as government departments, research councils, charities, National Institute of Health in USA (NIH) and the European Commission.

It is important that the various types of costs of research are appropriately attributed in order to ensure that the appropriate funding arrangements are put in place. For funding queries related to a specific area of the country, please see the links below: 

Below are links to some possible sources of further information (note this is not an exhaustive list):

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