When we launched the Make it Public Strategy in 2020, we outlined a number of initial actions that we planned to take in an implementation plan. This is shown below with the delivery status last updated in August 2023. We are continuing with our work to deliver the 10 commitments we made in the Make it Public Strategy.

1. Learning and Guidance Project
Projects | Delivered by |
Review and update existing guidance on our website and in the Integrated Research Application System (IRAS) to clarify research transparency requirements and best practice. | July 2021 (complete) |
Review and update the information we give to successful applicants to clarify research transparency requirements (amend approval letters and standard conditions). | March 2021 (complete) |
Develop learning material on research transparency for researchers, sponsors and HRA staff. | November 2021 (phase one complete) |
Further refine our guidance, ensuring the best format to present information. | March 2022 (complete) |
2. Make it Public campaign
Projects | Delivered by |
Hold the first Research Transparency annual meeting. | November 2021 (complete) |
Publish the first annual Research Transparency report. | November 2021 (complete) |
Continue to promote research transparency through the Make it Public campaign. | Ongoing |
3. UK-based automatic registration of clinical trials
Work packages | Delivered by |
Carry out an options appraisal for a model for registration of UK clinical trials. | January 2021 (complete) |
Develop and communicate guidance for interim, self-registration for clinical trials of investigational medicinal products (post EU-exit). | January 2021 (complete) |
Deliver and manage UK based, automatic registration of UK clinical trials. | January 2022 (complete for Clinical Trial of Investigational Medicinal Products) |
4. Research Summaries development
Work packages | Timeline |
Deliver interim improvements to current Research Summaries webpage on HRA website. | May 2021 (complete) |
Carry out Research Summaries webpage visioning exercises with both public and professional users, to help inform new research summaries webpages. | July 2022 (phase one complete) |
Design and deliver a new Research Summaries webpage on the new Integrated Research Application System (IRAS) website with an enhanced dataset. | This will be taken forward through a new online system to apply for the approvals to do research that is currently in development. |
5. Performance monitoring
Work packages | Delivered by |
Change the question in the Integrated Research Application System (IRAS) so that applicants are asked how and when they will inform participants about the study findings. | March 2021 (complete) |
Pilot, develop and implement a standard dataset to collect research transparency performance data in the final report, with stakeholder input for all studies. | August 2021 (complete) |
Design and implement fully automated reminders and electronic submission of final reports, within the new Integrated Research Application System (IRAS). | January 2022 onward (phase one complete) |
Establish a stakeholder forum to facilitate alignment of final reporting requirements. | March 2022 (phase one complete) |
6. Sanctions implementation
Work packages | Delivered by |
Develop a policy for how we will assess performance against research transparency requirements and how that will be used when reviewing new studies for approval. | Ongoing |
Introduce Research Transparency performance assessment into review of new studies. | Ongoing |
7. Communication and engagement
Work packages | Delivered by |
Manage and deliver an overarching communication and engagement plan to tell people about our expectations for transparency in research and support them to reach these. | Ongoing |