How are we using the results of the report?

Last updated on 7 Aug 2024

The recommendations made in the final report are influencing a range of projects we are work on.

As the lead organisation for this work we are leading by example wherever we can.

This includes speaking and writing in accessible ways, ensuring members of the public are involved in our work, working with community groups and building relationships so we can explain what we do to protect and promote people taking part in research.

We are also promoting the hallmarks of People-Centred Clinical Research and encouraging researchers to use them.

Below you can read more about projects that have benefitted from changes made as a result of the recommendations.

Template inclusion and diversity plan

We are developing a template for inclusion and diversity plans for sponsors and research, alongside associated guidance.

This will encourage researchers to consider inclusion and diversity upfront for clinical trials , and particularly think about including people who are usually overlooked in research and health care.

We hope it will also help Research Ethics Committees to see more clearly how researchers intend to include people in their research.

Research design and methods

We are helping research to be delivered in different places by supporting improvements in research designs and decentralised trial methods.

This work is helping to remove barriers to working across organisational boundaries where we can, and strengthening our approvals process. We are also focusing on improving study set-up practice, our information governance assurances and how to contact people about taking part in research.

Read more about our work in this area.

Supporting our Research Ethics Committees

We are working with our Research Ethics Committees to help them support people-centred approaches, particularly through the implementation of our Participant Information Quality Standards, helping researchers to develop their information using our Participant Information Design and Review Principles, proportionate consent guidance and by using engaging methods.

Research transparency

We are continuing to implement our Make it Public strategy for research transparency so that research is made public and available to all through registration, reporting and feeding back to participants.

Public involvement in research

We are working collaboratively with partners to remove barriers to public involvement in research, promoting our best practice guidance and providing collective leadership through our Shared Commitment to Public Involvement

Working with our partners

We are working with our Clinical Research Recovery, Resilience and Growth (RRG) programme partners across the system to support their work to improve people-centred research, for example the work of the Research Engagement Network (REN) programme and the initiatives that are coming out of this work. We will also be exploring with RRG partners how best to address to costs and burdens for people taking part in research, particularly around participant expenses and enabling better recognition.

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