X-ray attenuation measurement of fresh & formalin fixed breast tissue

  • Research type

    Research Study

  • Full title

    X-ray attenuation measurement of fresh & formalin fixed breast tissue



  • Contact name

    Matthew Wallis

  • Contact email


  • Sponsor organisation

    R&D Department, Addenbrookes Hospital

  • Research summary

    This research aims to collect and compare 'X-Ray attenuation' data on breast tissue that is both fresh and then subsequently fixed in formalin. Accurate data on tissue attenuation is crucial for the development of breast models and cancer models used in virtual clinical trials that do not need large numbers of patients and long term follow up.
    This forms part of the UKRC funded OPTIMAM consortium – which aims to optimise existing technology and the adoption of new X-ray technology for detecting breast cancers and thereby to improve the early detection of breast cancers in the NHS Screening Programme.

    The research will provide measurements of how different breast tissue absorbs X-ray in order to determine absolute values and a range of values of the linear attenuation coefficient. We will use a prototype clinical Philips MicroDose SI mammography system which we have validated in a previous study. This will allow us to refine mathematical models of breast tissue and breast abnormalities.

    No patients will be recruited to the study; instead tissue from patients with breast cancer who are undergoing breast surgery and who have consented for their tissue ‘to be used in research’, will be imaged using these new techniques. The study will be carried out a Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation trust. It is hoped to complete the research over the next 12 months.

  • REC name


  • REC reference


  • Date of REC Opinion

    20 Aug 2014

  • REC opinion

    Favourable Opinion