Wythenshawe Community Asthma Project 6. Version 1
Research type
Research Study
Full title
Wythenshawe Community Asthma Project 6 - Temporal changes in respiratory symptoms in two general practice populations over twenty years
Contact name
Timothy Frank
Contact email
Sponsor organisation
University Hospital of South Manchester
Research summary
WYCAP studies have been carried out on five previous occasions to investigate the prevalence of respiratory symptoms in two general practice populations in Wythenshawe, South Manchester. This data has been used to identify prevalence and trends in respiratory symptoms and disease in the population studied.
The more recent studies also included a questionnaire to assess health related quality of life.
This study will be carried out in two parts. In the first part all adult patients registered with one of two named general practices in Wythenshawe will be sent a questionnaire designed to identify respiratory symptoms, and food allergy symptoms and to assess health related quality of life. Responders to part one of the study who wish to opt out of part two will be asked to return a tear off slip with their questionnaires.
Children registered at the practices will be included only in part one of the study. A questionnaire designed to identify respiratory symptoms and food allergy symptoms will be sent to parents/guardians.
Data collected in part one will be used to determine prevalence of respiratory symptoms, obstructive airways disease and food allergy in the population studied. Cross sectional and longitudinal analyses will be conducted to identify changes over the period from 1993-2013. Temporal changes in respiratory symptoms in the study population over a 20 year period and health related quality of life over a 14 year period will also be investigated.Part 2 will examine the impact of eight common conditions on health related quality of life. The conditions to be examined are asthma, COPD, ischaemic heart disease, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, depression, hypothyroid disease and,cerebrovascular disease. The effect of multiple morbidities will be investigated by conducting regression analyses and factors such as age and gender will also be considered.
REC name
London - Queen Square Research Ethics Committee
REC reference
Date of REC Opinion
17 Jun 2013
REC opinion
Favourable Opinion