Wessex Subnational Secure Data Environment (SNSDE) Program V1.0

  • Research type

    Research Database



  • Contact name

    Christopher Kipps

  • Contact email


  • Research summary

    Wessex Subnational Secure Data Environment (SNSDE) Programme

  • REC name

    North East - Newcastle & North Tyneside 1 Research Ethics Committee

  • REC reference


  • Date of REC Opinion

    14 Mar 2024

  • REC opinion

    Further Information Favourable Opinion

  • Data collection arrangements

    The NHS is creating a safe space where important health information from various NHS sources is stored. This includes details from medical records, tests that have been done, and even complex genetic data. All this information is gathered without revealing who it belongs to, keeping your identity private. This process is careful and thorough, ensuring that the data is accurate and anonymous before it is made available for health research.

    In Wessex, local NHS organisations are working together to collect this information securely, making sure that the valuable insights from everyday patient care are used to improve health services without compromising your privacy.

  • Research programme

    This carefully stored data is very valuable for researchers. They use it to understand diseases better and find out what treatments work best. It's all about turning the wealth of NHS health information into real-life benefits like improved diagnoses, better care, and even the development of new medicines. This research is done with the utmost respect for patient confidentiality and is designed to support the health and well-being of the public. By analysing this data, researchers can also make healthcare services more efficient and effective, ensuring the NHS offers the best care possible to the community.

  • Research database title

    Wessex Subnational Secure Data Environment (SNSDE) Programme

  • Establishment organisation

    University Hospital Southampton NHS FT

  • Establishment organisation address

    Tremona Rd


    SO22 5EN