Wales Cancer Bank

  • Research type

    Research Tissue Bank



  • Research summary

    Wales Cancer Bank

  • REC name

    Wales REC 3

  • REC reference


  • Date of REC Opinion

    9 Sep 2016

  • REC opinion

    Favourable Opinion

  • Data collection arrangements

    Tissue, blood and bodily fluid samples are being collected from patients in Wales with a suspected or confirmed cancer diagnosis. A variety of tumour types and formats is being stored to facilitate future research into cancer. Patients are asked to consent to allow WCB to bank any tissue that is surplus to diagnostic requirements and take a blood sample. Samples are stored in pathology departments in the patient’s hospital until samples are needed for processing or issue to researchers.

  • Research programme

    Researchers involved in cancer research can apply to the bank to access samples or data. All samples and data are issued anonymously to researchers, so no patients can be individually identified. Researchers in academia, the NHS or for-profit companies\ncan apply wherever in the world they are based. Applications are scrutinised by expert reviewers to ensure samples are being well used. [COVID-19 amendment – 08/04/2020] The Wales Cancer Bank has been approached to ascertain availability of biosamples for use as control samples in COVID19 work. We do have samples available but our ethics approval is to issue samples for cancer related research. Clearly any developments in developing tests or treatment would benefit cancer patients as they are in a high risk group but as the work is not specifically cancer related, we seek REC approval to relax our stated criteria for COVID19 related research over the next 6-12 months. This will only make use of samples already collected and stored in the biobank so there will be no changes to the patient information sheet or consent form. Any request for samples will be scrutinised via the expedited review process used for pilot projects. The Sample Issue policy and relevant SOP have both been updated to include statements on supply of samples to Public Health Emergency projects and the related process. A registration form has been drafted to capture the details of the intended research that will allow project recording and sample traceability in the same manner as full applications.

  • Storage license


  • RTBTitle

    Wales Cancer Bank

  • Establishment organisation

    Cardiff University

  • Establishment organisation address

    7th Floor, McKenzie House


    CF24 0DE