Validation of cardiac MRI assessment of left ventricular torsion
Research type
Research Study
Full title
Validation of cardiac MRI assessment of left ventricular torsion
Contact name
Matthias Schmitt
Contact email
Research summary
Assessment of the twisting motion (or torsion) of the heart has generated much interest in the last few years because it appears to represent a more sensitive marker of pathology than traditional parameters . To date torsion has largely been measured using echocardiography (ultrasound)but this can be unreliable, often because of subptimal pictures.
We have developed software that allows torsion to be measured using cardiac MRI images. The aim of this study is to validate this software.
This will be done by 2 steps.
1. Cardaic MRI derived torsion will be compared to the more established method of echocardiography
2. Torsion will be measured at rest and during dobutamine infusion (known to increase torsion, in order to assess the ability of the software to detect changes in torsion.REC name
North West - Greater Manchester South Research Ethics Committee
REC reference
Date of REC Opinion
22 Nov 2013
REC opinion
Further Information Favourable Opinion