Using Health Styles in a Major Trauma Service

  • Research type

    Research Study

  • Full title

    Using population segmentation (Health Styles) in the GM Major Trauma Enhanced Rehabilitation Service (MTERS)



  • Contact name

    Peter Goodwin

  • Contact email

  • Sponsor organisation

    Manchester Metropolitan University

  • Duration of Study in the UK

    0 years, 7 months, 30 days

  • Research summary

    After the Manchester Arena bomb attack, severely injured people received specialised support through the newly developed Major Trauma Enhanced Rehabilitation Service (MTERS). The programme significantly improved patients' wellbeing in daily activities and life perspectives. This programme now currently provides rehabilitation for the wider Greater Manchester Major Trauma population, with greater diversity. The aim now is to enhance this assistance for Major Trauma survivors in Greater Manchester.

    In this study, we are focusing on being more precise in helping people with their rehabilitation and then maintaining long-term healthier lifestyles. By understanding individuals' motivations for staying healthy we believe we can offer more tailored help whilst also saving time and money.

    Our plan involves using the Health-Styles questionnaire to learn how each person views their health. In the future, this information will guide tailored care right from the start when someone arrives on the programme.

    Working in partnership with Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, Northern Care Alliance, Manchester Institute of Health and Performance, and Manchester Metropolitan University, we will:

    1. combine the Health Styles questionnaire into the Major trauma Enhanced Rehabilitation Service (MTERS).

    2. Interview clinicians and patients to understand the ease and usefulness of this new approach.

    3. Evaluate the use and relationships of Health Styles to existing outcomes in the service.

    4. Align each Health-Style with the available care in MTERS and Greater Manchester.

  • REC name

    Wales REC 7

  • REC reference


  • Date of REC Opinion

    18 Sep 2024

  • REC opinion

    Favourable Opinion