Understanding the choices

  • Research type

    Research Study

  • Full title

    Understanding the choices people in Hull make when faced with a minor ailment or injury



  • Contact name

    Sue Pender

  • Contact email


  • Research summary

    This small scale study seeks to enquire and capture the understanding of how people in Hull access care when faced with a minor injury or ailment and explore the reasoning behind their choice.
    Research aims and objectives
    • To understand what choices local people make when faced with a minor injury or ailment and to scope out and categorise the range of minor injury/ailment treatment and advice provision available to people in Hull.

    Design and methodology
    A small scale qualitative local study will be undertaken consisting of;
    • Scope out and categorise the range of direct care provided for minor injury/ailments care accessible to people in Hull (ie minor injury units, pharmacies etc.)
    • Map out and categorise the range of accessible self-care / advisory advice available (ie telephone, internet etc. )
    • Conduct a semi-structured telephone interview with up to 15 individuals to offer an injury/ailment scenario and ask what they would do and why (group 1)
    • Conduct a semi- structured telephone interview with up to 15 individuals who have experienced a minor injury or ailment to ask why they choose the course of action that they did (group 2)

    Clinical Implications
    The findings will give an insight into the how the people of Hull make decisions about when and what advice or direct care to access when faced with a minor injury or ailment, with a recognition of how prominent A&E attendance features in peoples thoughts.

  • REC name

    London - Surrey Borders Research Ethics Committee

  • REC reference


  • Date of REC Opinion

    15 Aug 2014

  • REC opinion

    Favourable Opinion