• Research type

    Research Tissue Bank



  • Contact name

    Rakesh Amin

  • Contact email


  • Research summary

    University College London Investigation of Diabetes (UCLID)

  • REC name

    London - City & East Research Ethics Committee

  • REC reference


  • Date of REC Opinion

    18 Sep 2014

  • REC opinion

    Unfavourable Opinion

  • Data collection arrangements

    Every effort will be made to provide families with information about the study during their routine clinical attendance or
    attendance to patience diabetes forums, newsletters and clinic websites. Investigators will obtain consent and initiate
    the study at the subsequent routine clinic appointment.
    Inclusion would be all children and adults with diabetes and nondiabetic
    family members under the care of a
    Diabetes Unit within London and the SE region.
    All research staff employed through the study will have appropriate training in details of the study and in consent
    procedures. Participants will also be free to withdraw from the study at any time and request that their stored samples
    are destroyed.
    Samples will be collected annually and stored at the UCLRFH
    BioBank and ICH London for future use. Participants
    will be asked to give informed consent for sample collection and to be contacted regarding further studies. It will be
    made clear to participants that there will be no obligation to agree to take part in any other future studies. In addition
    we will measure, in detail, the body's ability to make insulin and also how well the insulin works in lowering blood
    glucose levels. These measurements may be repeated in some participants.

  • Research programme

    The incidence of diabetes is increasing, prognosis remains poor and the related economic cost is large. These people are at increased risk of medical complications including blindness, nerve damage, heart problems and kidney failure as adults. The UCLID Study is a study of the causes of diabetes and its complications, with a long term objective of developing new, improved tests and treatments for both. It will commence in 2014, in collaboration with NIHR UCL BioResource and London Paediatric Diabetes Networks. The study aims to recruit 2000 children and adults with diabetes, their parents and siblings. Information and biological specimens will be collected annually including clinic information, physical measurements, blood, urine, saliva and DNA and stored safely for future use at the UCLRFH Biobank and the Institute of Child Health, London. We will use this precious resource to develop a better understanding of why diabetes and its complications occur and to develop new tests that identify these problems better than current tests. In the longer term this may result in the development of new treatments to delay or prevent these problems. In addition, following an approval process, we will make this clinical and biological resource available for other researchers, providing their studies are of sufficient quality.

  • RTBTitle

    University College London Investigation of Diabetes (UCLID)

  • Establishment organisation

    Dr Rakesh Amin

  • Establishment organisation address

    Room M3 Phillip Ullman Wing

    UCL Institute of Child Health


    WC1N 1EH