The value of six month stroke follow-up for people affected by stroke
Research type
Research Study
Full title
Outline the value of six month stroke follow-up for people affected by stroke
Contact name
Colin Jenkins
Contact email
Sponsor organisation
Wye Valley NHS Trust
Research summary
This study will examine the value of the six month follow-up clinic to people affected by stroke. It seeks to explore peoples’ expectations of the follow-up and evaluate its impact on the practical and psychological aspects of living with stroke. It is intended that this study will provide valuable evidence for commissioners to inform decisions about stroke service development.
The study will recruit up to 30 individuals six months after their stroke. A single semi-structured interview will be conducted with each person in a clinical setting or person’s home, depending upon their choice. Interviews will last a maximum of one hour, and can be undertaken in short stages (e.g. 20 minutes) if the participant prefers. The interviews will be digitally recorded, and transcribed data will be analysed to examine themes and key words. Transcriptions will be read and analysed by both researchers to enhance data extraction and to minimise researcher bias. The resulting data will arise from an active, collaborative partnership between participant as expert and researcher, leading to a co-creation of knowledge. In collaborative research, the participants are experts of their own experiences; the role of the researcher in collaborative research is to make sense of this insight and co-construct new knowledge by sharing understanding.
By listening to the experiences of stroke survivors, the research aims to provide a clear rationale for the six month follow-up and tailor the long-term stroke care pathway to the needs of those affected. This study aims to build on the work ‘Feeling Overwhelmed’ by examining if there is emotional benefit from attending a follow-up appointment; it also aims to provide a patient-centred evidence-base for the National Stroke Strategy recommendation for follow-up at six months.
REC name
West Midlands - Coventry & Warwickshire Research Ethics Committee
REC reference
Date of REC Opinion
22 Jan 2014
REC opinion
Further Information Favourable Opinion