The use of the internet to seek information within GP consultations

  • Research type

    Research Study

  • Full title

    The use of the internet to seek information on the World Wide Web within GP consultations



  • Contact name

    Paul O'Neill

  • Contact email

  • Sponsor organisation

    UHSM Research and Development Directorate

  • Research summary

    What are the perceptions of doctors and patients on the use of the internet to seek information within GP consultations?

    The internet is changing the way doctors practice. The World Wide Web can function as a vast repository of information that enables doctors to keep their knowledge up to date, access the latest guidelines, obtain information on rare diseases and treatments and provide relevant information for patients.

    The benefit of the World Wide Web as a source of information is perhaps most apparent in general practice where doctors care for patients with a diverse array of complaints. Even the most experienced GP cannot retain all pertinent information for every condition and the use of the internet to rapidly access up to date information is appealing with many using it within patient consultations.

    However, little is known about how doctors use websites to gain information within the consultation setting and it's affects on the doctor-patient-relationship.

    In this study, GPs will be interviewed at their surgery to gain a better understanding of how frequently they use websites to gain information within the consultation, for what purpose they seek information, what websites they access and their experiences of how accessing this information impacts on the consultation and doctor patient relationship.

    As many patients use the internet regularly and may even utilise the same websites as their doctor to seek health information it is important to gain insight into how patients perceive the use of websites by doctors within the consultation setting. The views of patients attending their GP will be collected via questionnaires.

    The results of this study will help us understand how the internet may best be used within the consultation setting.

  • REC name

    Yorkshire & The Humber - Leeds West Research Ethics Committee

  • REC reference


  • Date of REC Opinion

    12 Aug 2014

  • REC opinion

    Further Information Favourable Opinion