The Role of Feedback on Adherence to Amblyopia Treatment - Version 1
Research type
Research Study
Full title
The Effect of Feedback to Adherence to Glass and Patch Wear in Amblyopia Treatment. A Randomised Controlled Trial Acronym: EuPatch (European Paediatric and Amblyopia Treatment study for Children)
Contact name
Irene Gottlob
Contact email
Sponsor organisation
University of Leicester
Research summary
Amblyopia, also known as lazy eye is the most common visual disease in childhood and affects 2 to 5% of the population. Amblyopia is treated with glasses wear and patching of the better eye. However, 30% of children treated for amblyopia do not reach normal vision after a year or more of treatment. One of the major problems identified in treatment of amblyopia has been adherence to patching and glasses wear.
Objectives: The purpose of this study is to perform a randomised controlled trial to test whether feedback given to parents/guardians and children on the adherence to spectacles and patching can improve adherence to amblyopia therapy. We will use electronic monitors (small thermometers)to measure how much children patch and wear their glasses each day. This information will be given to 50% of participants and their parents/guardians. We will monitor the number of hours patched by children given feedback compared to those not receiving feedback over 12 weeks.
Clinical benefits: This trial should clarify whether giving feedback to parents/guardians on the number of hours children patch and wear glasses is effective at improving compliance to amblyopia therapy.REC name
East Midlands - Derby Research Ethics Committee
REC reference
Date of REC Opinion
7 Aug 2013
REC opinion
Favourable Opinion