The QTUG Study
Research type
Research Study
Full title
Acceptability and feasibility of digital assessment of falls risk, frailty and mobility impairment using wearable sensors in people with HIV as part of HIV care
Contact name
Claire Norcross
Contact email
Sponsor organisation
University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust
Duration of Study in the UK
0 years, 8 months, 30 days
Research summary
Frailty is common in individuals with HIV, with a prevalence up to 28.6%, occurring at a younger age than in their HIV-negative counterparts. Current methods for assessing frailty can be subjective and imprecise, leading to difficulty using them in clinical practice. This project aims to examine whether screening for frailty and risk of falls, using a digital health technology (the extensively validated Kinesis QTUG™) is feasible, and acceptable to both individuals with HIV aged 60 and above and healthcare staff working in outpatient HIV services.
Using the digital assessment tool, which uses body-worn inertial measurement units (IMUs), we aim to collect data on falls risk and frailty on participants in the study, and will compare to existing data for HIV-negative individuals. We will also compare this result to the current frailty screening method (the "FRAIL Scale"), to ascertain if more frailty is being picked up using the digital tool. Participants in the study and healthcare professionals working in HIV services will be invited to be interviewed about their views on frailty screening, the digital screening tool and referral pathways. Additionally, we aim to assess the process of implementation of this tool within routine HIV care, including the onward referral or treatment pathways if frailty and falls risk are identified.
The study will be conducted across two sites, the Lawson Unit HIV Clinic at RSCH Brighton, and the Caldecot HIV Centre at King's College Hospital in London. Patients who attend either of these clinics for the HIV care who meet the inclusion criteria, will be eligible to take part.
REC name
London - Surrey Borders Research Ethics Committee
REC reference
Date of REC Opinion
28 Oct 2022
REC opinion
Further Information Favourable Opinion