The PanSurg-PREDICT Study [COVID-19]

  • Research type

    Research Study

  • Full title

    The PanSurg-PREDICT Study



  • Contact name

    James Kinross

  • Contact email

  • Sponsor organisation

    Imperial College London

  • Duration of Study in the UK

    0 years, 8 months, 22 days

  • Research summary

    In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, patients with or without COVID-19 will continue to present to the hospital with surgical illnesses that necessitate careful consideration regarding the decision to perform surgery. Currently, the decision to perform surgery in emergency and non-emergency settings is a considered balance between the benefit of intervention against the risk of adverse outcomes; all within the dynamic context of resource availability. In addition to their judgment, clinicians routinely seek objective guidance from the use of risk prediction models that are able to provide individualised estimations regarding the potential risk of death or further complications. However, such traditional modelling may under-estimate the current situation on account of two new risk-modifying factors; (1) concurrent infection with a COVID-19 and (2) a working environment depleted of resources.\n \nTherefore, there is an urgent need for dynamic risk prediction tools which are specific to this particularly trying context. The COVID-Predict Study aims to be the first of its kind in its scope. We aim to collect global in-hospital data regarding (1) patients with the concurrent diagnoses of COVID-19 as well as an active surgical problem, (2) their outcome and (3) details about the hospital and team that they are being treated by. Through this, we hope to build novel risk prediction tools that may provide clinicians with more accurate estimates regarding the potential risk of death and complications in their patients. This will be an invaluable aid for fellow clinicians who are working on the frontline of this pandemic.\n

  • REC name


  • REC reference
