The INForMeD Study
Research type
Research Study
Full title
Investigating the genetic and cellular basis of sporadic and Familial Myeloid Disorders (The INForMeD Study).
Contact name
Adam Mead
Contact email
Sponsor organisation
The University of Oxford
Duration of Study in the UK
10 years, 0 months, 1 days
Research summary
This research project will study the genetic and cellular basis of sporadic and familial myeloid disorders. Myeloid disorders are haematological (blood related) medical conditions that can have a significant negative impact upon patients in terms of both quality and length of life. Research is required to enhance our understanding of these conditions so that we can better determine how these types of disorder may develop, thereby improving diagnoses and treatment.
Professor Mead’s research team at the University of Oxford is focused on an improved understanding of the cellular and genetic basis of myeloid disorders. There is a major unmet need for more robust information about the relationship between the clinical features of a disease (phenotype) and the types of genetic mutation (genotype) to guide the management of patients carrying distinct mutations, and this is where the INForMed study plays an important role.
Patients enrolled will be adults and children with a myeloid disorder along with family members. Participants will be seen at an NHS clinic and then followed up according to their routine clinical care. Samples will be stored, alongside basic clinical information for subsequent analysis. Samples will include blood, bone marrow, saliva, hair and nail clippings. Most of the samples will be taken at a time when a test is clinically indicated, with an extra sample taken for this study.
The samples will be tested using a range of state-of-the-art laboratory tests, including genome sequencing and stem / progenitor cell assays. Professor Mead’s research team have long established expertise in this area and this study will play an important role in providing enhanced characterisation of the biological impact of individual mutations associated with myeloid disease development, why myeloid diseases occur within familial (relating to / occurring in a family) clustering, and to refine clinical information that can then guide personalised management of patients.
REC name
London - Brent Research Ethics Committee
REC reference
Date of REC Opinion
26 Jul 2016
REC opinion
Further Information Favourable Opinion