The Influence of VNS on blood markers of inflammation

  • Research type

    Research Study

  • Full title

    The Influence of vagal nerve stimulation on blood markers of inflammation



  • Contact name

    Arshad Majid

  • Contact email

  • Research summary

    Stroke is associated with an intense initial inflammatory phase, which has profound detrimental effects in the brain. In experimental models of stroke, immunosuppression mediated by regulatory T cells (Tregs) can limit the extent of brain damage in mice. Other evidence in mice suggest that it’s numbers and activity can be influenced by the nervous system via a nerve called the vagus nerve, and it's stimulation produces immunosuppressive effects.

    Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) is already safely used clinically to treat drug-resistant epilepsy patients and provides us with a unique opportunity, for the first time; to observe its effects on Tregs in humans. We hypothesize that VNS in humans will result in the increased number of cells and activity of Tregs in blood. We will also measure levels of inflammation biomarkers such as cytokines in blood because changes in these can also affect inflammation. Data generated from this study will guide future studies that will explore the effectiveness of VNS in treating stroke and other inflammatory diseases. The data generated in humans will be compared to the data currently being generated in a similar study using sheep.

  • REC name

    North West - Haydock Research Ethics Committee

  • REC reference


  • Date of REC Opinion

    13 Aug 2014

  • REC opinion

    Favourable Opinion