The I-DSD Registry v2.0

  • Research type

    Research Database



  • Contact name

    Syed Faisal Ahmed

  • Contact email

  • Research summary

    The International DSD Registry

  • REC name

    West of Scotland REC 1

  • REC reference


  • Date of REC Opinion

    26 Aug 2014

  • REC opinion

    Further Information Favourable Opinion

  • Data collection arrangements

    The data stored in the I-DSD registry comprise medical information on a person with a condition that affects sex development, ie a disorder of sex development (DSD). The core data that are collected include the location and name of the lead clinician at the hospital which the affected person attends. This clinician is responsible for the clinical care of the affected person. In addition,
    the core data includes some basic information including the diagnosis of the affected person. This affected person is assigned a unique number in the registry but cannot be identified by any external user of the registry. The clinical lead is the only user who can identify the affected person by keeping this unique number separately in the hospital records. These core data are the only sets of data that need to be completed in all cases. There are other sections (called modules) which are not mandatory and apply to specific aspects of care of DSD. These data can be updated as and
    when necessary.

  • Research programme

    The database supports the MRC-UK (Medical Research Council) funded I-DSD Network research project in particular, and more recently the COST Action DSDnet, and will lead to support of further research programmes and communities around the world, such as EU funded dsdLife and EUTAIN.

  • Research database title

    The International DSD Registry

  • Establishment organisation

    The University of Glasgow

  • Establishment organisation address

    IT Services, Room R216A Level 2

    Kelvin Building

    University of Glasgow

    G12 8QQ