The ACPGBI Robotic Registry

  • Research type

    Research Database



  • Contact name

    Paris Tekkis

  • Contact email

  • Research summary

    The Association of Coloprotocoly of Great Britain and Ireland Robotic Colorectal Surgery Registry

  • REC name

    London - Riverside Research Ethics Committee

  • REC reference


  • Date of REC Opinion

    24 Jul 2017

  • REC opinion

    Further Information Favourable Opinion

  • Data collection arrangements

    The ACPGBI Robotic Registry will be a secure online database accessed through a web portal ( Similar databases such as the Trans-anal Total Mesorectal Excision (TaTME) and National Ileo-anal Pouch Registry have been successful in analysing volume and outcomes nationally.

    Registration will be voluntary and all surgeons performing robotic colorectal surgery in the UK and Ireland will be invited to join. Registered users will be invited to enter data on all robotic, laparoscopic, and open total mesorectal excisions and other colonic resections in their centre. Each user will have access to their departmental dataset.
    Patient and centre details will be anonymised and data will not be analysed at an individual surgeon level.

    The dataset collected in the ACPGBI Robotic Registry will consist of ten sections:
    1. Patient demographics.
    2. Tumour characteristics.
    3. Neoadjuvant treatment.
    4. Operative details.
    5. Postoperative clinical outcomes.
    6. Postoperative histological outcomes.
    7. Readmissions details.
    8. Late morbidity.
    9. Long-term oncologic outcomes.
    10. Long-term patient reported functional and quality of life outcomes (through a multilingual patient portal).

  • Research programme

    The ACPGBI Robotic Registry aims: • To assess the safety of uptake of robotically assisted colorectal surgery in the UK and Ireland. • To ensure structured training programme of robotic colorectal surgeons. • To monitor the outcomes of robotic colorectal surgery over time. To identify specific areas of concern to focus training and improvement. • To compare short and long-term outcomes of robotic, laparoscopic, TaTME, and open operations for rectal cancer. • To determine the ideal surgical technique for best outcomes based on patient and cancer characteristics. • To incorporate multilingual patient reported outcome measures to gather long-term functional and quality of life outcomes. • To assess the cost-effectiveness of robotic colorectal surgery and compare this with other surgical modalities. The registry will form the basis of future large-scale prospective studies to assess the quality and efficacy of different approached of colorectal cancer surgery.

  • Research database title

    The Association of Coloprotocoly of Great Britain and Ireland Robotic Colorectal Surgery Registry

  • Establishment organisation

    Imperial College London

  • Establishment organisation address

    Room 221, Level 2, Medical School Building

    W2 1PG