Telehealth in Motor Neurone Disease

  • Research type

    Research Study

  • Full title

    Telehealth in Motor Neurone Disease: A single centre, randomised controlled feasibility and pilot study of the use of the TiM telehealth system to deliver highly specialised care in Motor Neurone Disease, at a distance.



  • Contact name

    Christopher McDermott

  • Contact email

  • Sponsor organisation

    Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

  • Research summary

    Motor neurone disease is a rare but debilitating neurological condition that causes paralysis of the body’s muscles leading to severe disability and eventually death. Patients often struggle to travel the long distances to specialist clinics to receive the care they require whilst this expert care is often unavailable in the community. Telehealth has the potential to enable a specialist team to monitor the health and wellbeing of patients and their carers whilst they are at home. This could improve the patient's health, improve the quality of life of both patients and their carers, and lead to more effective use of health resources.

    This is a randomised controlled pilot study that will involve 40 patients who are cared for by the Sheffield Motor Neurone Disease care centre and their main informal carer. Half of the participants will use the telehealth system for a minimum of six months and maximum of eighteen months and information will be collected from patients, carers and their care team. This will include collecting clinical outcome measures, health resource use and the opinions and experience of using the system. All participants will continue to receive their usual care.

    This is a pilot study. It aims to determine the feasibility and acceptability of the telehhealth system to patients, carers and their health care providers. It also aims to determine how a larger trial could successfully evaluate the clinical and cost-effectiveness of the system.

  • REC name

    Yorkshire & The Humber - Bradford Leeds Research Ethics Committee

  • REC reference


  • Date of REC Opinion

    13 Aug 2014

  • REC opinion

    Further Information Favourable Opinion