SUPPORT-HF 2 study, v 1.0

  • Research type

    Research Study

  • Full title

    Home monitoring with integrated risk-stratified disease management support versus home monitoring alone in patients with heart failure: a randomised controlled trial



  • Contact name

    Kazem Rahimi

  • Contact email

  • Research summary

    The provision of evidence-based care to heart failure patients is a major challenge to health systems worldwide. It has been suggested that systems of care that enable patients and their carers to monitor and manage their own health - in particular when supported by healthcare professionals remotely - may improve patient outcomes and reduce healthcare utilisation. We are currently completing the SUPPORT-HF 1 study, in which about 58 patients with heart failure provided rich qualitative and quantitative insights as to how to develop and sustain a simple and user-friendly system that allows reliable remote communication with a range of heart failure patients. Preliminary results from this study suggest that patients and their informal caregivers are willing to adopt SUPPORT-HF remote monitoring technology system and may benefit from the reassurance it provides. his study aims to assess the preliminary effectiveness of such an IT-supported disease management system.

    In this study we aim to test whether a risk prediction service which is integrated with patients health records and is able to to provide real-time advice and alerts to patients and predictive clinical decision support tools to healthcare practitioners, is more effective in achieving optimal drug management than home monitoring with the same monitoring equipment but without the use of the prediction service and decision support system.

    We will recruit 200 participants who will be randomised to either a supported medical management group (the intervention) or the enhanced self-management group. They will not be informed of their allocation in order to minimise the potential for bias. Participants will be provided with home monitoring equipment (a Tablet PC and bluetooth connected weighing scales and blood pressure monitor)and asked to use this on regular basis for up to 9 months.

  • REC name

    South East Scotland REC 02

  • REC reference


  • Date of REC Opinion

    28 Aug 2014

  • REC opinion

    Further Information Favourable Opinion