Supervisory ward sister/charge nurse survey
Research type
Research Study
Full title
A survey to provide baseline activity in relation to ward sister/charge nurse supervisory roles
Contact name
Kate Seers
Contact email
Sponsor organisation
University of Warwick
Duration of Study in the UK
0 years, 3 months, 1 days
Research summary
The aim of the study is to understand the activities that take place in relation to supervisory practice for ward sisters/charge nurses. Supervisory practice occurs when ward sisters/charge nurses are an additional member of the team over and above the numbers of staff required to provide direct care for patients. This reflects the time required to effectively lead a team. The intention is that they have more time for activities such as education, management, interdisciplinary work, patient safety, coordination and planning of care. However in reality there may be variation in implementation and limited evaluation of the benefits. Chief Nurses and Directors of Nursing Services are responsible for the provision of high quality nursing care. This study therefore aims to find out what is currently happening, what is considered important, what the challenges are and any indications of improvement in patient care. To do this senior nurses such as Chief Nurses or Directors of Nursing Services in England will be given the opportunity to take part in a survey to provide information and their views of the opportunities, challenges, advantages and disadvantages of supervisory practice for ward sisters/charge nurses. This evidence will be reported to NHS England and help inform policy and practice developments in the future.
REC name
REC reference