St John's Institute of Dermatology Research Tissue Bank

  • Research type

    Research Tissue Bank



  • Research summary

    St John's Institute of Dermatology Research Tissue Bank

  • REC name

    London - Fulham Research Ethics Committee

  • REC reference


  • Date of REC Opinion

    30 Jun 2023

  • REC opinion

    Further Information Favourable Opinion

  • Data collection arrangements

    Patients attending clinics in St John’s Institute of Dermatology at Guy’s and St Thomas’ Foundation Trust may be asked to donate clinical samples surplus to diagnostic requirements to our research tissue bank (RTB) during the course of routine clinical care. Samples are likely to include skin biopsy material left over from diagnostic procedures or an additional tube of blood may be taken if the patient is undergoing a routine blood test. Patients may also be asked to donate a saliva or urine sample or supply a few hairs. Patients will be fully informed of why we are requesting the samples and will be provided with a patient information sheet. A doctor and research nurse will be available to discuss the consent process, answer any questions and record patient feedback. After time for reflection, a patient may choose to consent to providing samples for the RTB or indeed may decline. The decision to participate in no way affects clinical care or management. Patients are free to withdraw consent at any time. All samples will be securely stored in the appropriate way to ensure sample integrity in our RTB on the 9th Floor, Tower Wing at Guy's Hospital.

  • Research programme

    St John’s Institute of Dermatology at Guy’s and St Thomas’ Foundation Trust and King’s College London and is one of the world’s premier dermatology institutes. Research scientists and clinicians work closely together to increase the understanding of normal and diseased skin. The importance of the Institute’s research is reflected in the fact that 15 per cent of general practice consultations are for skin disease and at any one time, 20 per cent of the population suffers from skin disease requiring medical treatment. The research tissue bank facilitates research into understanding the development and progression of skin diseases. We have active research programmes in all areas of dermatology including common diseases such as eczema, acne and psoriasis and in rare diseases such as epidermolysis bullosa. Skin cancers such as malignant melanoma and SCC’s are another major research focus and we are the largest UK centre for the treatment and research of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma patients. By building an archive of samples it may be possible in the future to correlate disease outcome or response to therapy with molecular markers, providing valuable predictors of prognosis or response. The aim of the RTB is improved clinical diagnostics and treatment for all our patients.

  • Storage license


  • RTBTitle

    St John's Institute of Dermatology Research Tissue Bank

  • Establishment organisation

    Kings College London

  • Establishment organisation address

    St John's Institute of Dermatology

    9th Floor Tower Wing

    Guy's Hospital

    SE1 9RT