Southampton Research Biorepository (SRB)

  • Research type

    Research Tissue Bank



  • Research summary

    Southampton Research Biorepository (SRB)

  • REC name

    North West - Greater Manchester Central Research Ethics Committee

  • REC reference


  • Date of REC Opinion

    6 Feb 2018

  • REC opinion

    Further Information Favourable Opinion

  • Data collection arrangements

    All tissue, from any human organ that is surplus to diagnosis or removed during routine surgery, may be requested then, with written consent, stored and used for future ethically approved studies, for use in teaching/audit, research and supply to commercial organisations. Research proposals excluded by the SRB will include reproductive cloning and research topics such termination of pregnancy, cosmetic safety assessments and other non-healthcare-related consumer testing, except where project specific external ethical approval has been obtained. Samples would include both diseased and, if possible, a sample from adjacent non-diseased tissue. Other relevant material, such as saliva, urine or other bodily fluids and used medical devices may be collected (directly from the patient or from clinical laboratories following use in routine investigations). A small amount of blood may also be requested (amount would depend on whether adult or paediatric donor, but the minimum amount possible would be collected. The main tissue collection centres are Trust hospitals (UHS, Princess Anne Hospital, Royal South Hants, and the Spire), collection will be permitted from other sites into the SRB, provided all HTA Licence conditions are met, i.e. Licence to licence transfer or transfer from a non-licenced site within seven days of collection).

  • Research programme

    [COVID 19 amendment 12/05/2020] A) In addition to the consent methods detailed in question 42 of the IRAS form, we would like to add the options to consent COVID-19 participants by telephone, contaminated areas consent by researchers and retrospective consent of participants who have recovered. B) We have created additional participant information sheets and consent forms for COVID-19 patients, and additional consultee information sheets and consent forms.

  • Storage license


  • RTBTitle

    Southampton Research Biorepository (SRB)

  • Establishment organisation

    University of Southampton

  • Establishment organisation address

    University of Southampton, Highfield Campus


    SO17 1BJ