Research type
Research Study
Full title
Snapshot Obstetric National Anaesthetic Research Project 1 (SONAR-1)
Contact name
Ramani Moonesinghe
Contact email
Sponsor organisation
Duration of Study in the UK
1 years, 3 months, 1 days
Research summary
Approximately 25% of UK pregnancies are delivered by lower segment Caesarean section (LSCS). Most women undergoing LSCS do so under epidural or spinal anaesthetic, collectively known as neuraxial anaesthesia (NA). These are injections in the back which are intended to numb the abdomen and pelvis, while the patient remains awake. This study aims to understand the experiences of women undergoing LSCS, and specifically to understand the how often patients may feel intraoperative pain, dissatisfaction and distress.
The initial pilot study will take place at University College London Hospitals for a 4 week enrolment period to ensure any problems or issues with a multicentre study are minimised. All patients undergoing caesarean section which start with neuraxial anaesthesia (awake) during that 4 week period will be provided with a participant information leaflet about the study. These patients will have routine data recorded on a proforma by the anaesthetist responsible for their care. This data will include some information about the patient, the surgery, the anaesthetic and the maternal and fetal outcome.
After surgery and initial recovery is completed, these patients will then be approached to consent for participation in the study. Consenting patients will then be approached to complete two questionnaires - one within 24 hours (+/- 6 hours) of surgery (in person or by phone if discharged from hospital), and one 6 weeks later (+/- 3 days) (by phone). The first questionnaire will ask about women’s experiences of the procedure and their short-term recovery. For women who felt pain or discomfort during their procedure, we will ask about how effective additional pain relief was, and explore how communication was with the anaesthetist and broader obstetric team. The 6 week (+/- 3 days) questionnaire will ask about symptoms of postnatal depression and post-traumatic stress.
The study findings will be used to guide future research looking at interventions to reduce the number of women affected by intra-operative pain and inadequate anesthesia during caesarean section.
REC name
East Midlands - Leicester Central Research Ethics Committee
REC reference
Date of REC Opinion
11 Apr 2024
REC opinion
Favourable Opinion