Snapback Resilience Programme
Research type
Research Study
Full title
Snapback Resilience Programme, Evaluating the Effect on Anxiety and Depression in School Aged Children Following Transition to Secondary School
Contact name
Paul Shanahan
Contact email
Sponsor organisation
Your Healthcare CIC
Duration of Study in the UK
0 years, 9 months, 1 days
Research summary
Students aged 11-12 years transitioning to a new school are often anxious about the move to secondary school. If students are anxious, this can impact on related behaviour at school and when anxiety is not treated, it can continue into adulthood. Studies have highlighted that early intervention during adolescence can help reduce the short and long-term severity anxiety. It is thought that one in five adolescents can experience high levels of anxiety. One in twenty adolescents experience depression which often co-occurs with anxiety. The Snapback Resilience Programme has been created based on a well-established Resilience Framework. It incorporates five main elements: ‘Basics’, ‘Belonging’, ‘Core-self’, ‘Learning’ and ‘Coping’. The current study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the Snapback Resilience Programme on anxiety and depression symptoms in students aged 11-12 years old who are transitioning from primary to secondary school. The programme is a teachers facilitated 9 – week programme. The current study will involve students starting the programme in September 2021 or January 2022. Approximately 700 students from three different schools in the area will be invited to participate in the study. Students will be randomly assigned by teachers into the September or January group to take part and all students will be offered Snapback, irrelevant of whether they take part in the study. Questionnaires will be completed at home with parents or carers. Parents/carers and the child taking part will be asked to complete the questionnaires three times. This will be before, after and follow up for the group starting in September and control, before and after for the group starting in January. Questionnaires will ask child and parent/carer participants to rate anxiety and depression using an established measure (Revised Child Anxiety and Depression Scale RCADS).
REC name
West Midlands - Black Country Research Ethics Committee
REC reference
Date of REC Opinion
19 Jul 2021
REC opinion
Further Information Favourable Opinion