Second Northwick Park Heart Study : version 1

  • Research type

    Research Database



  • Contact name

    Steve Humphries

  • Contact email

  • Research summary

    Second Northwick Park Heart Study

  • REC name

    London - Central Research Ethics Committee

  • REC reference


  • Date of REC Opinion

    5 Sep 2014

  • REC opinion

    Favourable Opinion

  • Data collection arrangements

    The mortality data received will be linked to the anonymised database and used in statistical analysis of the
    association of genetic markers, biochemical markers and lifestyle factors with coronary heart disease risk with a view
    to improving the prediction of CHD risk which may in future lead to improvement of preventive measures. This data is
    used by researchers within the Centre for Cardiovascular Genetics at UCL and a large number of research papers
    have been published from this data. The anonymised data is also shared with other researchers at UCL for use in
    consortiums which pool the data with other studies to give the large sample sizes required for work in this area. In
    particular the data will be used as part of the UCLEdinburghBristol
    (UCLEB) consortium of population based
    prospective studies, which is a long term resource permitting powerful largescale
    analyses aiming to inform public
    health policy and help develop new preventive therapies.

  • Research programme

    The data held was collected between 1989 and 1998 from healthy male patients aged 5064 registered with 9 general medical practices in England and Scotland. Patients completed a questionnaire on lifestyle and medical history and blood pressure and body mass index was recorded at baseline and at 5 annual follow up visits. Blood samples were taken and biochemical measurements from the 6 visits are stored on the database. DNA was extracted and genotype results are held on the database which is updated when new genotyping is done. Information on nonfatal coronary events and diabetes was collected from the medical practices up until 2005 and is stored on the database. The only further data collection planned is the linkage of ONS mortality and cancer data as they occur in these men from the Health and Social Care Information Centre. The identifiable data on these patients is stored separately from the remainder of the database and has been through the Information Governance Toolkit Assessment process to ensure appropriate measures for data storage are in place. section 251 support has been approved for this study conditional on it receiving NRES approval.

  • Research database title

    Second Northwick Park Heart Study

  • Establishment organisation

    University College London

  • Establishment organisation address

    Centre for Cardiovascular Genetics

    3rd Floor, Rayne Building

    5 University Street

    WC1E 6JF