Safety and Efficacy of AA4500 injections for Dupuytren's contractures
Research type
Research Study
Full title
A Phase 3b open-label, historically-controlled study to assess the safety and efficacy of two concurrent injections of AA4500 in adult subjects with multiple Dupuytren's contractures with palpable cords.
Contact name
Christopher Bainbridge
Sponsor organisation
Auxilium UK Limited
Eudract number
2012-004091-19 Identifier
Research summary
The objectives of this study are to assess the safety and efficacy of 2 concurrent injections of AA4500 (collagenase clostridium histolyticum (Xiaflex/Xiapex)) into the same hand in subjects with multiple Dupuytren's contractures with palpable cords followed 24 to 72 hours later by a finger extension procedure if required. Success of the treatment will be defined as the reduction in the sum of the fixed flexion measurements of the two simultaneously treated joints, and change from baseline in total range of motion, defined as the sum of the range of motion measurements of the two simultaneously treated joints.
REC name
East Midlands - Nottingham 2 Research Ethics Committee
REC reference
Date of REC Opinion
24 Dec 2012
REC opinion
Further Information Favourable Opinion