Rvench Study

  • Research type

    Research Study

  • Full title

    Right Ventricle Function in Children - RVENCH Study. A comparative study of the dysfunctional right ventricle in different congenital heart diseases.



  • Contact name

    Robert Tulloh

  • Contact email


  • Sponsor organisation

    UH Bristol

  • Research summary

    There is recent evidence that teenagers have an increasing mortality from operations on congenital heart disease more than a decade ago and it is our responsibility to improve this for the next generation. The gravity of the problem is well explained in 2009 WHO annual report that puts the disability-adjusted life year to congenital heart disease higher than diseases such as diabetes or hypertension. If we can identify those at most risk of RV dysfunction and develop individualised treatment for them, then we can improve the quality of life for the children.
    If we find significant changes in the in the molecular responses of the right pimping chamber of the heart to high pressure we will be able to inform our practice. For example, it has long been unclear where the balance lies between allowing a baby to become large by growing - making surgery easier - against the damage that might be done by prolonged low oxygen levels and high pressure in the right ventricle. If we show that prolonged low oxygen levels induce profound and damaging changes in the myocardium, then we would be able to offer surgery at an earlier age before such damnage occurs. There are expected to be many positive outcomes allowing us to understand more about the mechanics and response to stress, developing biomarkers and hence customiised treatments for the individual in the longer term.

  • REC name

    North West - Preston Research Ethics Committee

  • REC reference


  • Date of REC Opinion

    2 Sep 2014

  • REC opinion

    Favourable Opinion