Royal Devon & Exeter Tissue Bank - 5 year extension

  • Research type

    Research Tissue Bank



  • Research summary

    Royal Devon & Exeter Tissue Bank (Five Year Extension)

  • REC name

    South Central - Oxford C Research Ethics Committee

  • REC reference


  • Date of REC Opinion

    3 Aug 2016

  • REC opinion

    Further Information Favourable Opinion

  • Data collection arrangements

    The bank will provide centralised governance and management of any samples available during routine clinical care at the RD&E Hospital or collaborating NHS organisation. Samples will only be collected when there is a proposed research question and samples can be obtained without incurring any extra risk to patients or interfering with their diagnosis. Samples collected could include anything from a urine sample to an amputated limb. The data collected with samples will include any information available from medical notes or the donor themselves that would be necessary in answering scientific questions about the samples. Identifiable information (name, hospital number and date of birth) will be collected but will held securely by the tissue bank data management team and not shared with researchers or external organisations.

  • Research programme

    The samples and data may be used by any scientific / medical / clinical researcher to understand the causes of disease with an view to improving understanding, diagnosis and treatment of disease. Al requests to use samples will be referred to a steering committee which is comprised of scientists, clinicians and lay people. All donors may feed into the steering committee by providing online feedback on requests for use of samples if they wish. [COVID-19 amendment 18/06/2020] There have been several changes to the operational structure, including a change to the HTA Designated individual. \nWe have adapted our samples eligible for storage section, this has been extended to include samples left at the end of relevant non RDETB studies and diagnostic archives which researchers may access on a regular basis. This is particularly relevant in the current Covid – 19 pandemic, where residual positive clinical samples (e.g. serum/plasma) are being saved and stored by our local blood sciences department prior to eventual destruction. The ability to transfer these samples to the RDETB will enable to the development of a valuable resource for ongoing Covid 19 related studies. \nAll these changes have been highlighted in red in the revised RDETB management protocol. We have also taken the opportunity to update the RDETB PIS to incorporate relevant information following the introduction of the GDPR. These changes have been highlighted in red on the updated PIS.

  • Storage license


  • RTBTitle

    Royal Devon & Exeter Tissue Bank (Five Year Extension)

  • Establishment organisation

    NIHR Exeter Clinical Research Facility

  • Establishment organisation address

    RILD Building

    Barrack Road


    EX2 5DW