Review of adolescent sexual health services

  • Research type

    Research Study

  • Full title

    Review of sexual health services for young people in East Kent



  • Contact name

    Anke Franz

  • Contact email

  • Research summary

    Sexual health of young people is still a concern in the UK (Baxter et al., 2011).
    The aim of the proposed service evaluation is to identify how useful staff and service users find the sexual health service provision in East Kent. This should provide an indication of services' strengths and where, if at all, the need for expansion and improvement lies.
    The research question will be: What do staff and service users think about adolescent sexual health services in East Kent?
    Participating staff
    All staff who work in the participating services can chose to participate It is expected that 15 participants across services will be recruited as a minimum to ensure a wide variety of views. Male and female staff will be recruited from a range of professions such as nurses, health visitors and youth workers.
    Participating young people
    Young people between 16 and 20 years of age are able to take part. Participants across gender and the age span will be recruited, and from different areas to gain a varied sample of participants.
    It is expected that at least 10 participants per age group are collected, e.g. ten 16-year-olds, ten 17-year-olds, and so on to ensure an equal number of representation across age, reaching 50 in total.
    All participants (staff and service users) will be informed about the scope of the project and provided with the information sheet and consent form which details their rights with regard to this, i.e. their right to end or withdraw their participation and any information provided, their right not to answer any questions they do not want to, their right to anonymity and confidentiality.
    Participants will be interviewed at the service or at a time and venue negotiated with the researcher. The interview should not take longer than half an hour.

  • REC name


  • REC reference


  • Date of REC Opinion

    7 Aug 2014

  • REC opinion

    Unfavourable Opinion