Research+Me Consent for Contact Research Registry

  • Research type

    Research Database



  • Contact name

    Yan Yiannakou

  • Contact email

  • Research summary

    Research+Me Consent for Contact Research Registry

  • REC name

    North East - Tyne & Wear South Research Ethics Committee

  • REC reference


  • Date of REC Opinion

    22 Jun 2023

  • REC opinion

    Further Information Favourable Opinion

  • Data collection arrangements

    Research+Me is a digital database for people who might be interested in taking part in research. It allows research teams to easily contact those individuals who want to participate. We call it a consent-for-contact registry. The aim of the registry is to empower more people to take part in trials and thereby access the latest treatments and technologies.

    Anyone aged 18 or over can register to be involved. Data is held securely on a cloud-based application. We keep contact details together with a brief inventory of medical conditions; the latter allows us to limit the number of irrelevant invitations.

    Most trials served by the registry do not require transfer of patient contact details. If a registrant responds to an invitation about a study they are asked to complete a short screening questionnaire and if they seem eligible are invited to contact the research team themselves. Occasionally research sites outside Newcastle request contact details of registrants who have volunteered, are eligible and local to the site. In these cases the registrant is specifically asked if they agree to this transfer and a written agreement is provided to restrict how that data can be used.

  • Research programme

    The Research+Me registry is run by the Newcastle Patient Recruitment Centre. To date the registry has focussed on promoting trials around Newcastle, but we are now developing the capability to serve other regions in the country. Most of the trials served by the registry are ‘late phase’ trials, which means they are assessing the effectiveness of new treatments after initial safety assessments have been satisfactory. Most of the trials assess treatments for common chronic conditions. Patients with these conditions are often managed by their GPs, rather than specialist hospital clinics, so are less likely to be invited to participate in trials. By using a registry, promoted to all areas in society, we hope to improve inclusivity and equity of clinical trial recruitment. In the past, access to clinical trials has been largely through specialist hospital clinics. Our aim is to empower people from the wider community to take part in trials and thereby access the latest treatments and technologies. Research trials are vital if we are going to develop new and better treatments. A consent-for-contact registry is one of the most effective ways of enabling recruitment to trials.

  • Research database title

    Research+Me Consent for Contact Research Registry

  • Establishment organisation

    NIHR Patient Recruitment Centre: Newcastle, The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

  • Establishment organisation address

    Campus for Ageing and Vitality

    Westgate Road


    NE4 6BE