Red blood cell indices in ocular pathology

  • Research type

    Research Study

  • Full title

    Assessment of red blood cell distribution width, red blood cell deformability and red blood cell aggregation in ocular inflammatory diseases.



  • Contact name

    Carlos Pavesio

  • Contact email

  • Sponsor organisation

    Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

  • Research summary

    Rheological properties of the red blood cell are known to be sensitive to the altered microenvironment. It can be affected by age, smoking, hypertension and other metabolic diseases including vascular disorders. Rheology of the red blood cells can be altered secondary to the surrounding activated leukocytes or endothelium. Incubation of the red blood cells with activated leukocytes which produces oxygen free radicals can cause deleterious effects and these oxidative effects are in turn inhibited by antioxidant enzymes. Biochemical alterations induced by oxidants include lipid peroxidation, haemoglobin oxidation, altered membrane proteins and lipid composition. This in turn affects red blood cell deformability and red blood cell adherence. We would like to pursue this project to study the mechanical properties of the red blood cells in various retinal vascular and inflammatory disorders and further investigate or extrapolate the findings to systemic diseases.

  • REC name

    West Midlands - Coventry & Warwickshire Research Ethics Committee

  • REC reference


  • Date of REC Opinion

    28 Jul 2014

  • REC opinion

    Further Information Favourable Opinion