Privacy in Milk Expression Room
Research type
Research Study
Full title
A study investigating the level of privacy in the milk expression room
Contact name
David Edwards
Contact email
Sponsor organisation
King's College London
Research summary
The proposed study is designed to assess the impact of a privacy screen in the milk expression room on mothers whose infants have been admitted to the Neo Natal Unit at St Thomas’ hospital. Subjects using the room will be approached about the study by the research nurses and given a participant information sheet. If they express an interest in the study, they will be approached again at a convenient time and consented by a research nurse. A minimum of 20 mothers will be given the questionnaire and asked to complete it after they have used the room without the screen and the same number of mothers will complete it after using the room with the screen in place. If it is feasible and the subject agrees, they will be asked to complete both questionnaires after using the room in both situations.
The subject’s participation in the study ends after they have submitted their questionnaires, either by giving it back to the research nurse or by placing it in a ballot box.
REC name
East of England - Cambridge Central Research Ethics Committee
REC reference
Date of REC Opinion
18 Dec 2013
REC opinion
Favourable Opinion