Research type
Research Study
Full title
Post-operative avoidance of radiotherapy: biomarker selection of women categorised to be in a very low risk group by IHC4+C
Contact name
Charlotte Coles
Contact email
Sponsor organisation
The Institute of Cancer Research
Duration of Study in the UK
14 years, 0 months, 1 days
Research summary
Some breast cancers are considered low risk. Low risk means there is a small chance of the breast cancer returning after it has been removed during surgery. Currently, patients with low risk breast cancer have radiotherapy after surgery, followed by drug treatment (hormone therapy tablets) for 5 years.
Radiotherapy reduces the risk of cancer returning in the breast (local recurrence). However for patients with a low risk breast cancer, the risk of radiotherapy side effects may start to outweigh its benefit.
The PRIMETIME study aims to identify a group of women who can safely avoid radiotherapy because the risk of their cancer returning is so low.
A research calculation called IHC4+C will be used to calculate a woman's risk of cancer returning 10 years after surgery. 'Very low' risk patients are those where the chance of their cancer returning 10 years after surgery is less than 5%. This means that out of 100 women with 'very low' risk breast cancer, cancer will return in less than five women.
In the PRIMETIME study women with 'very low' risk breast cancer can avoid having radiotherapy. All other women will be recommended to have radiotherapy according to standard care.
Patients who are eligible to take part are those with a small, slow growing breast cancer which has not spread beyond the breast. Patients will be 60 years or over, have had surgery to remove their cancer with a plan to receive at least 5 years of drug treatment (hormone therapy) for their cancer.
The study will be conducted in NHS hospitals in the UK. Participating patients will be followed up by their treating hospital for 10 years following surgery.
REC name
East of England - Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire Research Ethics Committee
REC reference
Date of REC Opinion
5 Sep 2016
REC opinion
Further Information Favourable Opinion