PREM development - questionnaire item production
Research type
Research Study
Full title
The development of questionnaire items for use in a Patient Reported Experience Measure (PREM) designed for use in the ambulance service
Contact name
Karen Windle
Contact email
Sponsor organisation
University of Lincoln
Research summary
Patient Reported Experience Measures (PREMs) are short questionnaires that people are asked to fill in by healthcare providers to find out about their views of the care they have received from a particular service. However, although there are a number of PREMs that can capture patient views about GP surgeries and their hospital stay, there is, as yet, no generally used PREM for ambulance service care. This doctoral research will address this issue and develop a PREM to appropriately measure peoples’ experiences of the care they receive from ambulance services.
This study will form one part of the overall research project and will involve interaction with patients that have recently had an experience of ambulance service care.
Firstly, the draft questionnaire items will be developed following the revisiting of interview data collected in two earlier studies that explored patients’ experiences of their prehospital care (10/H0408/60) and (12/EM/0022). From each theme identified as being central to the patient experience a number of potential questionnaire items will be produced. At this stage as many potential questionnaire items as possible will be drafted.
The draft questionnaire items must reflect the needs and views of the patients that the PREM is designed for and therefore patients that have recently used the ambulance service will be recruited for interviews that explore their opinions and views of the questionnaire items and whether the questionnaire includes all the aspects of the ambulance service experience that they think should be included in the PREM.
The interviews will usually be conducted at the patient’s home for their convenience or comfort or alternatively they can come to the University of Lincoln – the interviews are expected to last between 30 mins and 1 hour.
REC name
East Midlands - Nottingham 1 Research Ethics Committee
REC reference
Date of REC Opinion
24 Jan 2014
REC opinion
Favourable Opinion