PEGASUS development study
Research type
Research Study
Full title
Understanding experiences of living with and seeking support for cardiovascular health for people with a diagnosis of severe mental illness (PEGASUS)
Contact name
Jacqueline Sin
Contact email
Sponsor organisation
City, University of London
Duration of Study in the UK
0 years, 5 months, 1 days
Research summary
People with a severe mental illness (SMI) such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder can die 15-20 years younger than the general population. Cardiovascular disease (CVD), including heart disease, is the biggest cause of early death in people with SMI. People with SMI can experience weight gain from anti-psychotic medication, social isolation and poor integration between mental and physical health services. People from Black and minority ethnic communities can be affected by increased rates of both SMI and CVD. We aim to reduce risk of CVD in all people with SMI.
In this study, we will hold focus groups and interviews with people with SMI exploring their experiences of support for their physical health in order to develop an approach to reducing CVD risk specially tailored for people with SMI. We propose to develop a group clinic, co-facilitated by a mental health nurse and a peer worker.
A lived experience advisory group of people with SMI and physical health issues will help co-produce the intervention, develop interview questions and make sense of the information we collect. Focus groups and interviews will be conducted and analysed
by researchers working from a lived experience perspective.REC name
London - South East Research Ethics Committee
REC reference
Date of REC Opinion
2 Feb 2024
REC opinion
Further Information Favourable Opinion