Patient and Carer Perspectives on Opioid Stewardship
Research type
Research Study
Full title
The Perspectives of Patients and Carers on Opioid Stewardship Interventions in England: A Semi-structured Qualitative Interview Study
Contact name
Sara Garfield
Contact email
Sponsor organisation
University College London
Duration of Study in the UK
1 years, 2 months, 31 days
Research summary
The purpose of this study is to work together with patients and those that support them with medicines to develop a way of making sure strong painkillers (opioids) are used safely. This study will be beneficial for patients and healthcare services to identify what patients’ needs are when it comes to using opioids to treat pain. It will also contribute to the development of a better healthcare approach to meet patients' needs. This study will include face-to-face, online and telephone interviews. Adults who have used strong painkillers for pain relief or have supported someone else who has used strong painkillers will be invited to take part in this study. Around 36 participants will be interviewed. Potential participants will be identified through social media adverts, through healthcare settings, through our networks and charities. The interview will last approximately one hour. During the interviews, participants' opinions on different ways of making sure strong pain killers are used safely will be discussed.
REC name
South Central - Hampshire A Research Ethics Committee
REC reference
Date of REC Opinion
3 Oct 2024
REC opinion
Favourable Opinion