Participants' Experience of Experimental Research (PEER)

  • Research type

    Research Study

  • Full title

    Patients’ experiences of experimental medicine trials and the experiences and roles of others providing support.



  • Contact name

    Tim Rapley

  • Contact email

  • Research summary

    The aims of this study are:
    To identify, describe and understand experiences of experimental medicine trials, from the point of view of patients, health professionals and patients’ relatives, friends or carers.
    To explore the roles of the others supporting patients before, during and after experimental medicine trials.
    Experimental medicine trials are research studies using small numbers of human subjects (usually less than 100 people) and aiming to understand the causes of disease and how new drugs and treatments work. Experimental medicine includes: phase 1 or ‘first in man’ studies; phase 2 or ‘first in disease’ studies; other studies where there is a focus on understanding disease processes and how treatments work. Little is known about the experiences of participants (patients with the disease in question, relatives/friends/carers, health professionals) in experimental medicine trials. Most research into participants’ experiences has focussed on randomised control trials and phase 1 studies on ‘healthy’ subjects. Experimental medicine is associated with less certainty, a lengthy time commitment and more invasive tests, compared to clinical trials, so participants may face greater practical and emotional challenges.

    We will interview patients, relatives/friends/carers and health professionals. These interviews will be recorded and transcribed. The transcripts will be anonymised and then analysed using qualitative techniques. Our results will be used to design teaching for health professionals and make educational resources (e.g. leaflets) for patients, relatives/friends/carers and professionals. This will help to give more people the chance to take part in trials and to have better experiences of trials.

  • REC name

    North West - Greater Manchester West Research Ethics Committee

  • REC reference


  • Date of REC Opinion

    4 Aug 2014

  • REC opinion

    Favourable Opinion