Parent's perceptions of how health plans communicate health needs.

  • Research type

    Research Study

  • Full title

    An exploration of the perception of parents/carers of how health plans communicate health needs to multiple caregivers.



  • Contact name

    Lucy Riggs

  • Contact email

  • Sponsor organisation

    City Health Care Partnership CIC

  • Research summary

    A small scale exploratory study to explore parents/carers perceptions of how health plans are used to communicate the health needs of their children to multiple caregivers.
    The right to request Personal Health Budgets for children and young people in receipt of NHS Continuing care and the introduction of Education, Health and Care Plans replacing Statements of Educational Need) highlight a need for health services to integrate with families and all providers to enable multiple caregivers to access and use meaningful, accurate, accessible and up to date health plans. Recognising that parents/carers have expert knowledge and understanding of their child's needs, it is hoped that exploring health plans from the perceptions of parents/carers will gain insight into how they can be used to communicate health needs to multiple caregivers.
    This is a small,qualitative study to explore parent/carer perceptions of how health plans communicate the health needs of their child with additional health needs, to other caregivers.
    The study aims to explore what information parents/carers feel is important to communicate their child’s health needs to multiple caregivers and how parents/carers feel this information is most appropriately communicated.
    Participants will be parents/carers of children/young people with additional health needs, recruited via a local children's charity parent's forum. Three focus groups will explore parent/carer perceptions of the effectiveness of health plans for communicating health needs to caregivers, perceived barriers to the effective use of health plans and ways in which practice in this area could be improved.
    Participants will be required to participate in 1 audio recorded focus group, lasting a maximum of 2 hours. Data will be transcribed and analysed using thematic analysis, for discussion.

  • REC name

    Yorkshire & The Humber - South Yorkshire Research Ethics Committee

  • REC reference


  • Date of REC Opinion

    1 Sep 2014

  • REC opinion

    Favourable Opinion