Nottingham Fatigue After Stroke (NotFAST) study
Research type
Research Study
Full title
Nottingham Fatigue After Stroke (NotFAST) study: Understanding the nature of the clinical problem and determining factors associated with fatigue in stroke patients without depression
Contact name
Avril Drummond
Contact email
Sponsor organisation
University of Nottingham
Research summary
Post-stroke fatigue is common, significantly impacts on people’s daily lives, and is reported to be one of the most distressing symptoms experienced after stroke. Given its impact, fatigue should be appropriately identified, treated and managed. However, this has traditionally been a difficult area to study since many factors contribute to fatigue, and there has also been the particular problem of the close association between fatigue and depression. We therefore propose to examine fatigue in the absence of depression. Other factors associated with fatigue will be identified as a means to determine possible management strategies.
Participants will be identified from those consecutively admitted to four hospitals within four weeks of stroke. Those meeting the criteria will be contacted between four and six weeks after stroke and will be assessed on measures of fatigue, as well as physical, emotional, cognitive, sleep, and medical factors. Participants will be reassessed six months after stroke.
Regression analysis will be used to determine factors independently associated with fatigue.
The aim is to recruit 300 people. A qualitative sub-study will be conducted with a sample of about 20 participants who report high levels of fatigue.REC name
East Midlands - Leicester South Research Ethics Committee
REC reference
Date of REC Opinion
10 Jun 2013
REC opinion
Further Information Favourable Opinion