North West Sub-National Secure Data Environment:Greater Manchester ICB [CAG Pilot]

  • Research type

    Research Database



  • Contact name

    George Tilston

  • Contact email

  • Research summary

    Greater Manchester Secure Data Environment

  • REC name

    East of England - Cambridge East Research Ethics Committee

  • REC reference


  • Date of REC Opinion

    28 Mar 2024

  • REC opinion

    Further Information Favourable Opinion

  • Data collection arrangements

    The Analytics and Data Science Platform (ADSP) is the SDE for Greater Manchester ICS and will provide Greater Manchester’s (GM) longitudinal record for non-direct care uses. In the first instance this will be by securely linking data from primary care (GP records from the GM Care Record) and secondary care (from NHS England’s Secondary Uses Service) at patient level, with the longitudinal record expanding over time as additional data are linked. The ADSP is GM’s recognised platform for conducting all forms of analysis to support Population Health Management (PHM) and Health and Care Commissioning e.g., the planning and evaluation of services.

    The ICS needs to link data contained within the regional shared care record with national and other local data sets. To do this data has to be extracted from the GM Care Record with the NHS number. Upon receipt NHS GM will be supported by the Northwest Data Services for Commissioners Regional Office (DSCRO) to apply a consistent pseudonym to the shared care record data.

  • Research programme

    The SDE provides de-identified UK health data for research purposes. Previous research using some of the involved datasets has evaluated the Covid-19 vaccination rollout, investigated self-harm trends in primary care during the pandemic, and compared outcomes between patients with severe mental illness and matched controls. Only approved researchers can access the data and study proposals are subject to a review by a range of stakeholders, from data controllers to statistical experts and public representatives. The GMCR preceded the SDE and was focused on primary care data. This resource has led to more than eleven peer-reviewed journal publications, with many more studies currently ongoing. More information on completed studies can be found at

  • Research database title

    Greater Manchester Secure Data Environment

  • Establishment organisation

    NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care

  • Establishment organisation address

    Ground Floor, Parkway 3

    Parkway Business Centre

    Princess Road
