Newcastle Brain Tissue Resource
Research type
Research Tissue Bank
Contact name
Debbie Lett
Contact email
Research summary
Newcastle Brain Tissue Resource
REC name
North East - Newcastle & North Tyneside 1 Research Ethics Committee
REC reference
Date of REC Opinion
25 Nov 2013
REC opinion
Favourable Opinion
Data collection arrangements
Fixed and snap-frozen brain and spinal cord tissue and in some cases small samples of other tissues along with blood and CSF, are collected at autopsy with full informed consent from:
•clinically well characterised donors suffering from a range of dementias, neurodegenerative and vascular disorders and occasionally related psychiatric or genetic disorders largely via prospective clinical studies within the IAH but also via national initiatives such as Brains for Dementia Research.
•volunteer normal control donors largely with clinical assessment during life
Ocular tissue (surplus to transplantation) will also be collected with consent as part of the Ocular Tissue Resource in conjunction with the corneal donation service (separate ethical application currently in preparation)Research programme
NBTR is an open access tissue bank supplying tissue for projects into the functioning of the brain and nervous system in particular in the field of brain ageing,age-related disease and neurodegenerative disease. Potential donors with such disorders and normal controls are recruited mainly through clinical research programmes. Samples are supplied for work including molecular and biochemical studies and genetics. Diseases studied will include dementias,cerebrovascular disease, neurodegenerative disease such as Parkinson's Disease, Motor neurone Disease, depression and some psychiatric disorders. Samples are provided to any applicants who can demonstrate that their project is scientifically and ethically valid.
Newcastle Brain Tissue Resource
Establishment organisation
Newcastle University
Establishment organisation address
Newcastle upon Tyne