Neurodevelopmental outcome after out of hospital cardiac arrest -V3.2
Research type
Research Study
Full title
Neurodevelopment follow-up at 1 year amongst survivors of out of hospital cardiac arrest (OOHCA) admitted to three tertiary paediatric intensive care units in the UK
Contact name
Sophie Skellett
Contact email
Sponsor organisation
University College London - Institute of Child Health
Research summary
This study will evaluate the neuro-developmental outcome in children following out of hospital cardiac arrest. We hypothesise that the outcomes have not significantly changed despite the progress in paediatric intensive care in the last decade.
We will create a list of all children admitted to three intensive care units (Great Ormond Street Hospital, Birmingham Children’s Hospital and Alder hey Children’s Hospital) between March 2004 and March 2012 following out of hospital cardiac arrest. The study group will consist of those children who survived to hospital discharge.
We will try to ascertain the neuro-developmental status at one year after the cardiac arrest and at the time of assessment by reviewing the hospital medical notes, liaising with the GP and the community paediatrician. In addition, all surviving patients will be contacted.
We will write to the parents with an information sheet detailing what our project and requesting their participation (OOH inf sheet 1 Parent/Version1.2, OOH inf sheet 2 Child/Version 1.2, OOH inf sheet 3 Adult/Version1.2 and OOH Inv letter 1 /Version 2).
Parents who consent to participate will be asked to answer a short questionnaire about their child’s developmental and learning status. It will be made clear that parents have an option to decline consent at any point of this process.
A single investigator from each unit will contact the parents. The collected data will be analysed and we aim to publish the results in a peer-reviewed journal.REC name
London - Camden & Kings Cross Research Ethics Committee
REC reference
Date of REC Opinion
14 Aug 2013
REC opinion
Further Information Favourable Opinion