Needs and Experiences of Non-English speaking families
Research type
Research Study
Full title
Understanding the needs and experiences of non-English speaking families who access paediatric tertiary health services: A pilot study.
Contact name
Jo Wray
Contact email
Research summary
An increasingly diverse population in the UK means that a significant proportion of children, young people and families accessing paediatric tertiary services are non-English speakers. Health inequalities relating to ethnic minorities are well documented, and within these ethnic minorities many face challenges as a consequence of language barriers. Moreover, non-English speakers are often excluded from research and service evaluations, and little is known about their needs and experiences of health care. This pilot study aims to understand the needs and experiences of non-English speaking families accessing services at Great Ormond Street Hospital, by conducting focus groups with young people and their parents/carers, clinicians and interpreters. The study will involve one language group (Turkish speakers) to provide exploratory data from one sample of non-English speakers and evaluate the feasibility of a larger scale study involving multiple language groups. These data will provide preliminary information in relation to non-English speaking families’ concerns and needs which will be useful to those responsible for planning, designing and providing paediatric tertiary health services both at GOSH and nationally.
REC name
East Midlands - Leicester Central Research Ethics Committee
REC reference
Date of REC Opinion
11 Dec 2013
REC opinion
Favourable Opinion