NARNIA Study - Version 1.0

  • Research type

    Research Study

  • Full title

    Neonatal Action Research: A New Intubation Approach (NARNIA Study)



  • Contact name

    Jan Dewing

  • Contact email

  • Sponsor organisation

    East Sussex NHS Healthcare Trust

  • Research summary

    Intubation of the neonatal patient is a critical time in the patient's hospital experience, and requires high levels of skill and teamwork from the staff involved. At present, no validated tool exists for this process and clearly anything that can be done to improve the experience, will benefit patient, parent and staff.
    The principal aim of the study is to explore and identify how staff can work together more effectively in order to optimise emergency neonatal intubation practice.
    This will be carried out on the special care baby unit at the Conquest Hospital and will involve staff that are commonly involved with intubation practice, and parents/guardians of patients that are admitted. The setting is within a level 1 unit (a unit that provides a service for babies that require special care and not long term high dependency or intensive care facilities) will benefit from such an approach, since recent trust mergers mean an increasing amount of high-risk deliveries, without the systems and exposure that would be encountered at a level 3 centre (the highest category of neonatal care - a unit capable of providing special care, high dependency and intensive care facilities).
    The study will use a variety of qualitative methods, including focus groups, observation in practice and interviews for staff, and a questionnaire for parents and guardians. Staff will be invited to take part via information sheets, information stations and face-to-face contact. Participation will not be mandatory and informed consent will be gained. Parents will be given a questionnaire and information sheet on discharge, but participation will again be voluntary.

  • REC name

    London - Hampstead Research Ethics Committee

  • REC reference


  • Date of REC Opinion

    19 Aug 2014

  • REC opinion

    Favourable Opinion