Midwifery managers:implementing and sustaining continuity in the UK.
Research type
Research Study
Full title
A grounded theory study on midwifery managers’ views and experiences of implementing and sustaining continuity of carer models within the UK maternity system’
Contact name
Annie Lau
Contact email
Sponsor organisation
Robert Gordon University
Duration of Study in the UK
0 years, 6 months, 1 days
Research summary
This is a MRes study developed in response to the policy documents 'Best Start' in Scotland and 'Better Births' in England where there is a plan to implement continuity of carer models in midwifery within the next 5 years. The plan is to interview experienced midwifery managers and create a framework from their experiences and perspectives that is pragmatic and practical and can guide implementation and sustainability of Midwifery Continuity of carer (MCoCer) models for midwifery managers who have little to no MCoCer management experience in their own services.
The study will consist of:
A scoping review of the literature to identify what is not yet known and understood with regards managing and leading MCoCer. Interviewing 4-6 managers who have had or are still having managerial experience leading MCoCer models of care in the UK in order to:
i: Identify the skill sets, attitudes and attributes that are required by managers to encourage autonomous MCoCer in the UK context.
ii: Highlight and articulate the barriers and facilitators to implementation and sustainability of MCoCer models of care in the UK context.
Individual semi-structured interviews that are no longer than an hour will be conducted and recorded. This is a Grounded Theory study therefore the interview questions will develop alongside the analysis of the data and questioning may change in response to the process of constant comparative analysis.REC name
REC reference