Maternity Bereavement Support

  • Research type

    Research Study

  • Full title

    Evaluation of local support service provision for bereaved families following pregnancy or baby loss



  • Contact name

    Kerrry Evans

  • Contact email

  • Sponsor organisation

    University Of Nottingham

  • Duration of Study in the UK

    0 years, 6 months, 31 days

  • Research summary

    Pregnancy loss, or the death of a baby or infant is devastating for women and families. Whether it is expected or unexpected, pregnancy loss or infant death can lead to difficulties with grieving, relationship problems, depression, and anxiety. The impact on children born to bereaved parents can include developmental concerns, anxiety, and poor self-esteem. The care that women and families receive following bereavement can make a significant difference to their experiences. Research shows that baby-loss counselling services and support groups for parents can be beneficial. Women and families who are experiencing long-lasting and significant distress may need additional, specialist services.

    This study aims to evaluate supportive services for women and families in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire to find out what works, for whom and in what circumstances. We will examine whether local services meet the needs of women and families in the community and explore why some women and families may not use them.

    We will use semi-structured interviews or focus groups to gather the views of women and families who have used local bereavement support services, volunteers who work with a local bereavement support charity, and healthcare practitioners who work in the NHS Trauma and Bereavement service. Women, family members and volunteers will be offered a choice of attending a focus group or an individual interview, which will be conducted in person or via digital platforms (depending on their choice). Interviews with healthcare practitioners will take place online.

    Following completion of the study, the data will be analysed, and we will prepare a final report with recommendations and a briefing paper for NHS service leads to inform the development of future services. A summary with key findings will be offered to participants and a paper will be submitted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal.

  • REC name

    East Midlands - Nottingham 2 Research Ethics Committee

  • REC reference


  • Date of REC Opinion

    31 May 2023

  • REC opinion

    Favourable Opinion