LUNGEVITY data collection to establish Cough Bank research database

  • Research type

    Research Database



  • Contact name

    Emil Fristed

  • Contact email

  • Research summary

    Cough Bank - large scale collection of COVID-19 coughs and phonations

  • REC name

    London - Camden & Kings Cross Research Ethics Committee

  • REC reference


  • Date of REC Opinion

    6 May 2020

  • REC opinion

    Unfavourable Opinion

  • Data collection arrangements

    The Cough bank is a database of self-recorded coughs, phonations, and basic medical information of SARS-CoV2 patients and controls.

    Data will be collected from 3 groups of data subjects. The first group will be data subjects who have been tested positive for SARS-CoV2. The second group will be data subjects who have been tested negative for SARS-CoV2. The third group will be data subjects who haven’t yet been tested for SARS-CoV2.

    The data collected from each data subject will be:
    Age; Biological sex; Height and weight; Ethnicity and native language; Whether they’ve been tested with COVID-19; The date and location of their test(s); whether they are currently in a hospital; COVID-19 symptoms. Any contact history with COVID-19 patients; Travel history; Smoking history; Other respiratory, neurological and neuro-muscular ailments they may have. Additionally, participants will be asked to provide sustained phonation and cough samples, as described below. The audio recordings will also form part of the database.

  • Research programme

    The purpose of the LUNGEVITY data collection study is to collect a large number of cough and phonation recordings from COVID-19 patients, suspected COVID-19 patients, controls with other respiratory conditions, and healthy controls. The recordings will form the basis of a database. The database of coughs and phonations can later be analysed to identify patterns that uniquely profile COVID-19 patients, forming the basis for a tool for mass screening.

  • Research database title

    Cough Bank - large scale collection of COVID-19 coughs and phonations

  • Establishment organisation

    Novoic Ltd

  • Establishment organisation address

    Gemma House 39, Lilestone Street,

